News story

B-Corp for Learning Pool on LNTV

LondonLearning NewsLearning Now tv

LNTV, May 25: Ben Betts talks about Learning Pool becoming a B-Corp; Stella Collins starts a new 6-part series on neuroscience for learning. Esther Redman from Woodgreen Pets Charity discusses the highly important topic of Reflection.


On Learning Now TV this month Nigel is with Ben Betts, CEO of Learning Pool, discussing what it takes to become a B-Corp. Stella Collins is starting a new 6-part series on neuroscience for learning.

Michelle Parry-Slater takes a look at the important but often forgotten topic of Reflection with Esther Redman. Bob Mosher continues his series on virtual instruction with a look at design. Plus regulars Robin Hoyle and Rob Clarke.

The next Learning Now tv live streamed programme is on Thursday May 25 at 10 am UK time. And the full programme will be available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later.


The full programme of interviews and features for LNTV May 25:


  1. Ben Betts, CEO of LearningPool, talks to Nigel about the company becoming a B-Corp, which is a rigorous certification designating that a business is meeting high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and input materials.

  2. We are delighted to announce that Stella Collins, a leading expert on brain friendly learning, is starting her new 6-part series on neuroscience for learning. In this introduction, she invites you to ‘Meet Your Brain’.

  3. Esther Redman, Talent Partner at Woodgreen Pets Charity, talks to Michelle Parry-Slater about the highly important - but often forgotten - topic of Reflection.

  4. Bob Mosher continues his series on Virtual Instruction and in this 3rd episode he focuses on virtual instruction design using his GEAR method for virtual events.

  5. This month Robin Hoyle summarises what we mean by workplace transfer and provides some tips you can use to support your people to learn.

  6. Rob Clarke from Learning News presents a report from the Learning Technologies exhibition where he talks to some of the exhibitors and participants.

The next Learning Now tv programme is on May 25 at 10 am UK time with the live social stream with Colin Steed starting at 9.50 am UK time.