What lies ahead for the L&D sector?
Learning Now TV, Dec 10: Myles Runham, Teresa Spera, Sukh Pabial and Zahra Clarke-Johnney join LNTV to review L&D’s challenges in 2020 and look ahead to 2021. Plus Charity Learning Consortium and Sport England, Robin Hoyle, Hannah Gore and John Hinchliffe on the show.
LNTV brings a distinguished panel from all sides of the L&D sector to discuss a round up of the challenges and initiatives of 2020 and they look forward to the prospects for 2021. The panel includes Myles Runham, Teresa Spera, Sukh Pabial and Zahra Clarke-Johnney.
Also on the show, LNTV continues its series on learning and development in the charity sector with Sport England. Robin Hoyle looks at advances in performance improvement, Dr Hannah Gore continues her series on engaging conversations and John Hinchliffe talks about utilising non-traditional roles from outside of L&D.
The next Learning Now tv show is on Thursday Dec 10 at 10 am UK time. And the show will be available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later.
The full programme of interviews and features for LNTV Dec 10:
LNTV has a distinguished panel from all sides of the L&D sector discussing a round up of the challenges and initiatives of 2020 and they look forward to the prospects for 2021. Panel includes Myles Runham, Teresa Spera, Sukh Pabial and Zahra Clarke-Johnney.
Our regular series looking at the Charity sector L&D features Jane Meggison-Hill, L&D Manager of Sport England.
This month Robin Hoyle talks about some of the positive advances in our performance improvement activities in what’s been a very challenging year.
Dr Hannah Gore continues her 5 part series on Engaging Conversations. In Part 4 she focuses on engaging conversations in written reports.
This month John Hinchliffe talks about how organisations are starting to utilise non-traditional roles from outside of L&D to provide exceptional learning experiences for the organisation.
The next Learning Now tv programme is on Dec 10 at 10 am UK time with the live social stream with Colin Steed starting at 9.50 am UK time.