Learning Now TV: transforming learning and development at NHS Blood & Transplant Service
LNTV, Nov 12: Lisa Johnson talks to LNTV about transforming learning and development at NHS Blood & Transplant Service to a digital environment; Lori Niles-Hofmann talks about how the Covid-19 situation is affecting the working lives of people in L&D in Canada; plus reports from Martin Couzins, Robin Hoyle and Hannah Gore.
LNTV learns about how the NHS Blood & Transplant Service has been developing its digital L&D programmes in an interview with OD manager, Lisa Johnson.
We hear from Lori Niles-Hofmann about L&D colleagues in Canada and her work with people who have lost their jobs.
Martin Couzins discusses Chief Learning Officer magazine's report 'Learning During the Global Crisis'. Plus, Robin Hoyle explains why he wants to stop sending out presentation slides and Dr Hannah Gore continues her series on engaging conversations.
The next Learning Now tv show is on Thursday Nov 12 at 10 am UK time. And the show will be available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later.
The full programme of interviews and features for LNTV Nov 12:
Lisa Johnson, OD manager at the NHS Blood & Transplant Service, talks to Nigel about her journey transforming this vital service to a digital environment with some excellent performance improvement results achieved.
Lori Niles-Hofmann talks to Nigel about how the Covid-19 situation is affecting the working lives of people in L&D in Canada and she discusses her work with people who have lost their jobs due to the lockdown.
Martin Couzins and Nigel Paine discuss the latest research report from Chief Learning Officer magazine called 'Learning During the Global Crisis' which provides some surprising findings.
This month our regular L&D commentator Robin Hoyle talks about presentation slides and in particular why you should NOT give out slides before, during or after your presentation.
Dr Hannah Gore continues her 5-part series on Engaging Conversations. In Part 2 she focuses on engaging conversations within online content.
The next Learning Now tv programme is on Nov 12 at 10 am UK time with the live social stream with Colin Steed starting at 9.50 am UK time.