Learning Now TV: online doctoral programme for L&D practitioners
LNTV, Oct 29: Learning Now TV discusses the online MSc in Transdisciplinary Practice from Middlesex University run by Professor Brian Sutton; David Perring talks about Fosway's latest 9-Grid report; Kate explores the #BeTheRipple corporate kindness movement with Joanna Suvarna.
In the second October programme, LNTV learns about an online L&D doctoral programme from Professor Brian Sutton at Middlesex University. David Perring talks to Nigel about the findings of Fosway's latest 9-Grid report on Talent and People Success and Kate explores a new movement championing corporate kindness.
Plus LNTV reporters: Robin Hoyle on coaching support for learners, Jon Hinchliffe on internal talent marketplaces and LNTV introduces its brand new reporter Dr Hannah Gore who kicks off a 5-part mini series on engaging conversations.
The next Learning Now tv show is on Thursday Oct 29 at 10 am UK time. And the show will be available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later.
The full programme of interviews and features for LNTV Oct 29:
We learn about an L&D doctoral programme from Professor Brian Sutton who runs the MSc in Transdisciplinary Practice programme awarded by Middlesex University which is aimed at practitioners and is run online.
David Perring talks to Nigel about the findings of Fosway's latest 9-Grid report on Talent and People Success which is hot off the press.
Kate explores a new movement championing corporate kindness in tough times as she talks to Joanna Suvarna about #BeTheRipple.
Robin Hoyle this month talks about adapting the work we do to help people improve performance. In particular, he concentrates on coaching support for people who have been on a recent learning activity.
John Hinchliffe discusses how organisations have been utilising internal talent marketplaces as a model to provide agility to their business model and flexibility for their workforce.
We welcome our new regular contributor Dr Hannah Gore, who starts her 5-part mini-series on Engaging Conversations with people in the workplace.
The next Learning Now tv programme is on Oct 29 at 10 am UK time with the live social stream with Colin Steed starting at 9.50 am UK time.