Learning Now TV: Laura Overton and Vivian Heijnen talk L&D results
LNTV, Aug 13: Laura Overton and Vivian Heijnen discuss their efforts to refocus learning and development onto results and Christine Locher talks about making career and life-changing decisions.
In the August programme, Nigel talks to Laura Overton and Vivian Heijnen about their new organisation, Tulser, and the initiatives they have planned to help L&D focus on results. Kate talks to Christine Locher about her new book Values-Based and how to make career and life-changing decisions.
Also on the show, Georgia Blundell explains how the Learning Technologies' 30 Under 30 programme helped her to develop in her L&D role at Seasalt, Robin Hoyle discusses learning analytics and the data L&D should focus on, and Michelle Parry-Slater talks to Kevin Williamson of The Fostering Network.
The next Learning Now tv show is on Thursday Aug 13 at 10 am UK time. And the show will be available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later.
The full programme of interviews and features for LNTV Aug 13:
First up Nigel talks to Laura Overton and Vivian Heijnen talking about the new organisation Tulser and the new initiatives they have planned for the rest of the year.
Christine Locher talks to Kate about her new book Values-Based, which is about how to make career and life-changing decisions that make sense.
Georgia Blundell, one of the Learning Technologies' 30 Under 30s cohort, talks to Kate about how the group has already helped her to develop at Seasalt, a leading retailer based in Cornwall.
Robin Hoyle this month focuses on the important topic of learning analytics and discusses some of the challenges we face, including determining what data we should be looking at and why.
Our series with the Charity Learning Consortium looking at L&D in the Third Sector continues with Michelle Parry-Slater talking to Kevin Williamson of The Fostering Network.
The next Learning Now tv programme is on Aug 13 at 10 am UK time with the live social stream with Colin Steed starting at 9.50 am UK time.