The impact of artificial intelligence on learning: Donald Clark on Learning Now tv
Nigel Paine interviews Donald Clark on November’s LNTV about AI’s likely impact on learning. Plus the results of a four-day working week trial and reports from around the world from LNTV reporters.
On November’s Learning Now tv Donald Clark is in the studio to explore artificial intelligence and its likely impact on learning in the near future, in an interview with Nigel Paine.
The learning movement Happy has been experimenting with a four-day week for its employees and Chief Happiness Officer, Henry Stewart, joins Kate Graham in the studio to share what everyone learnt.
Also in November’s show, an interview with Spark Telecom in New Zealand, about a digital transformation with outstanding results.
Plus LNTV’s regular commentators: Robin Hoyle on digital learning and workplace transfer, Brent Schlenker in discussion with instructional design expert Patti Shank, Euan Semple on writing and Helen Blunden reports from Microsoft IGNITE in Orlando.
This month’s Learning Now tv is on Thursday November 28 at 10 am UK time. And the show will be available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later.
The full programme of interviews and features for November’s LNTV show:
Nigel talks to one of the foremost thinkers and commentators on education and performance Donald Clark about the growing use of AI in learning and its likely impact on learning in the near future.
Henry Stewart, Chief Happiness Officer at Happy, talks to Kate about the results of his recent trial of a 4-day week for his employees which revealed some surprising results.
Australian correspondent Helen Blunden reports on IGNITE, the recent Microsoft event in Orlando, where she discusses how the event was like 'the EPCOT of L&D'.
Nick Mackeson-Smith, Head of Learning Enablement at Spark Telecom in New Zealand, discusses how he has led the company through a complete digital transformation with some outstanding results.
Our regular commentator on all things learning and performance Robin Hoyle this month talks about how the impact of digital learning is more about workplace transfer than just access to content.
Our US correspondent Brent Schlenker interviews leading US instructional designer, analyst and author Patti Shank about 3 tactics to ensure we get better at instructional design.
Euan Semple continues his series on using tech in the workplace and this month he starts a two-parter on the importance of writing for your own development.
The next Learning Now tv programme is on Thursday November 28 at 10 am UK time with the live social stream with Colin Steed starting at 9.50 am UK time.