Learning Now tv: the challenges women face in business
Career coach Hira Ali discusses the challenges women face on their road to professional success on Learning Now tv. Plus young entrepreneur Ed Beccle on HR apps, CIPD’s Health and well-being at work report and a report from #WomenInLearning Conference.
On July’s Learning Now tv Barbara Thompson talks to career coach, Hira Ali, about the challenges women face in business. Nigel Paine talks to young entrepreneur, Ed Beccle, about how he developed HR apps for some of the world's largest companies and Martin Couzins looks at the new CIPD report 'Health and well-being at work'.
Also on July’s show: a report from the #WomenInLearning Conference and how to get started with augmented reality and virtual reality in learning on a low budget.
This month’s Learning Now tv is on Thursday July 25 at 10 am UK time. And the show will be available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later.
The full programme of interviews and features for July’s LNTV show:
Barbara Thompson talks to author and world-renowned career coach Hira Ali, and discuss the myriad of challenges women face on their road to professional success.
Young entrepreneur Ed Beccle talks to Nigel about how he developed a couple of apps in the HR space that have been taken up by some of the world's largest companies.
We hear from some of the speakers and participants at this month's hugely successful Women in Learning conference.
Martin Couzins takes a look at the major findings and discussion points of the new CIPD report 'Health and well-being at work'.
Our regular commentator Robin Hoyle starts a two-parter focusing on the importance of giving credit where it's due when we're using approaches based on research work undertaken by others.
Rob Clarke from Learning News reports on the recent conference organised by Headspring on 'The Human-Led Future of Work'.
Joanna Webb talks to Nigel about how to get started with augmented reality and virtual reality when you have a real need in the organisation but virtually no budget.
The next Learning Now tv programme is on Thursday July 25 at 10 am UK time with the live social stream with Colin Steed starting at 9.50 am UK time.