Learning Now tv: experiences in education and corporate learning
August’s LNTV includes interviews with Neal Hutton on his experiences in the education and corporate learning sectors, Laura Emson from Cambridge Assessment, who won a rising star award at the Learning Awards and Krystyna Gadd on her new book 'How to not waste money on training’, as well as LNTV regulars Martin Couzins, Robin Hoyle and Euan Semple.
On August’s Learning Now tv Neal Hutton talks to Nigel Paine about how his dual roles in education and corporate learning has provided him with extensive experience of designing and implementing exciting learning experiences.
Also on August’s show: rising star Laura Emson, from Cambridge Assessment, on her experience since winning the award; Krystyna Gadd on her new book 'How to not waste money on training'; a review of Mary Meaker's Internet Trends 2019 with Martin Couzins; Robin Hoyle looks at how old research on things we take for granted in L&D can provide new insights and Euan Semple continues his series on technology in the workplace.
This month’s Learning Now tv is on Thursday August 29 at 10 am UK time. And the show will be available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later.
The full programme of interviews and features for August’s LNTV show:
Neal Hutton talks to Nigel about how his dual roles in education and corporate learning has provided him extensive experience of designing and implementing exciting learning experiences.
Laura Emson, Grout Talent Development Facilitator at Cambridge Assessment, won a Rising Star Award at the Learning Awards. Here she talks to Barbara about why she thinks she won and discusses her journey since then.
Krystyna Gadd discusses her new book 'How to not waste money on training' and particularly how her engineering background has served her well in both her L&D career and in producing the book.
Martin Couzins continues with his regular look at the latest L&D research. This month he discusses the huge 'Mary Meaker's Internet Trends 2019' with Nigel Paine.
Robin Hoyle presents part two of his piece on evidence-based research and this month talks about how old research on things we take for granted in L&D can provide new insights today.
Euan Semple continues his series on using technology in the workplace. This month, he asks why we don't use tech at work that we use in our everyday lives (like Youtube, WhatsApp, Instagram).
The next Learning Now tv programme is on Thursday August 29 at 10 am UK time with the live social stream with Colin Steed starting at 9.50 am UK time.