Women in Learning on Learning Now tv
The Women in Learning campaign is showcased on March’s Learning Now tv along with David James on learning at the point of work, how AI is being used to develop lawyers’ skills and Learning Now tv welcomes a new regular reporter, Euan Semple.
Filmed on International Women's Day, Nigel talks to Sharon Claffey Kaliouby about the Women In Learning campaign she is helping to organise and it includes a series of snippets from some of the leading women in learning.
David James talks to Nigel about an important and growing topic - learning at the point of work. David discusses how important the subject is as it's where the real learning happens.
Our new co-host Gemma Critchley interviews Ginny Powlson and Emily Winslow and discovers how AI is being used in their law firm to achieve outstanding results.
Euan Semple, the renowned speaker, writer and technology consultant, joins the Learning New tv reporting team. Euan is an advocate for L&D people using technology themselves and in his first report for LNTV Euan shares how he uses technology to learn.
This month’s Learning Now tv is on Thursday March 28 at 10 am UK time. And the show will be available on catch up from the LNTV website three days later.
The full programme of interviews and features for March’s LNTV show:
Filmed on International Women's Day, Nigel talks to Sharon Claffey Kaliouby about the Women In Learning campaign she is helping to organise and we include a series of snippets from some of the leading women in learning.
David James talks to Nigel about an important and growing topic - learning at the point of work. David discusses how important the subject is as it's where the real learning happens.
Gemma Critchley interviews Ginny Powlson and Emily Winslow about how their law firm is utilising AI to develop the firm's lawyers and describe how it's achieving some outstanding results.
We welcome our new regular contributor Euan Semple whose series focuses on using technology for learning and personal development. He explains how technology enables his own learning.
Robin Hoyle tackles the subject of helping managers to see that by leaving enough 'slack' in the system they will be able to have more time to support their people's learning and development.
We welcome William De Kaste who runs the Batchelor in Learning & Development for the Han Academy in The Netherlands and Nigel finds out how the programme is producing some top quality graduates.
The next Learning Now tv programme is on Thursday March 28 at 10 am UK time with the live social stream with Colin Steed starting at 9.50 am UK time.