News story

HowNow selected for UK Government learning platform

Learning News

A new learning experience platform is being implemented across Government.

Of the 68 suppliers who expressed an interest in providing the service, it was HowNow, in partnership with Pearson, that the UK Government chose to become their one home for learning and skills.

The platform will enable users to create profiles to capture their skills, track completed learning, and recommend personalised learning based on the skills users would like to develop.

The data generated from this will help build the most accurate picture of skills availability ever achieved across Government.

And support managers, helping them take a more strategic approach to planning and delivering recruitment, development and talent management initiatives.

Nelson Sivalingam, CEO, HowNow, said: “For the UK Government to choose our combined solution with Pearson from 68 providers, affirms our commitment to a skills-first approach to L&D, as well as our leadership in delivering innovative technology. And with PwC finding that 78% of CEOs reporting some extent of skills shortage within their organisation, it’s clear that taking a skills-first approach is the way forward for L&D. It not only shapes superior employee experience, but keeps organisations at the forefront of making learning impactful.” 

Rebecca Birs, Business Change Lead for the Cabinet Office, said: “Our ambition is to provide a great user experience for all government employees, empowering them to take charge of their own training and development needs and take a proactive approach to developing their own careers. In addition, the data we will be able to harness will enable the civil service to bring about a significant step change in its skills and workforce planning capabilities.”

Oliver Latham, Vice President for Workforce Skills at Pearson said: “We are excited to work with the Cabinet Office and our ventures company, HowNow, to build and deliver this tailored skills identification and development platform.  Employees will be able to build their own ‘Skills Passports’, mapping and acknowledging their existing areas of expertise and allowing them to identify opportunities for further development. It will deliver a single source of truth, with transferrable, consistent, actionable, and accurate skills data across the Civil Service.”