Priorities shift for learning and development
L&D Global Sentiment Survey 2021 report published; Donald H Taylor outlines key shifts in sentiment; re-skilling and up-skilling emerge as top L&D priority; collaborative and social learning increasingly recognised by L&D.
The L&D Global Sentiment Survey 2021 full report is published today by Donald H Taylor and Learning News caught up with Donald to dive into our sector's sentiment.
The polling for this year's survey took place over the turn of the year; over three thousand learning professionals answered the single survey question: ‘What will be hot in workplace learning in 2021?’.
From the fifteen choices, ‘re-skilling and up-skilling’ polled significantly higher than all of the other choices, entering the chart as a new entry at number one. This meant all of the other choices went down at least one place and the only choice to rise against the tide was ‘collaborative and social learning’. Donald feels this highlights a trend for L&D to focus first and foremost on it's core role and, to do that during the pandemic has meant, relying on what is easiest to deliver and what gives the best results, quickly.
Conversely, those choices that L&D feels are more unattainable or that are less proven have dropped down the chart, such as augmented and virtual reality and articial intelligence, which saw the largest drop in the 2021 chart.
In the interview with Learning News Donald H Taylor explains what he feels lies beneath the shifting priorities in L&D. Donald is also joining up with Speexx for a masterclass webinar on 17 Feb to explore the trends in more detail. Information and registration for the Speexx masterclass is available via the Speexx website: Digital Learning Trends in 2021.