Curatr announces €10,000 match-funding to inspire social learning
Curatr, the social learning platform for business, has announced an exclusive €10,000 match-funding competition to inspire social learning for workplace learning and development.
Curatr, the Social Learning platform for business, has announced an exclusive €10,000 match-funding competition to inspire social learning for workplace learning and development. Curatr is used to developing a wide range of social learning experiences, from staff training to accredited qualifications; MOOCs to crowdsourced knowledge bases.
Match-funding can be used by businesses to bring a social learning initiative to life. “We expect that successful applicants will have a strong business case for implementing a more social approach to their learning and development programmes”, commented CEO Ben Betts.
“This could be for internal use, training staff in a peer-to-peer environment for example, or for external use, running a Massive Open Online Course for customers.”
Successful companies can use the match-funding to customise the Curatr social learning platform and to fund the rollout of their project.
“We’ve already used this ability to integrate with other systems, like Stripe for payment, Twitter for group chat and, in one particularly outrageous customisation, swapped our trademark circular user interface for hexagons” quipped Ben.
“If you’re thinking about starting up a social learning project in the New Year, you need to give this funding a look.”
Funding will be allocated as a result of a competitive application process, with entries closing February 6th, the week after Learning Technologies. Applicants fill out a short application form and will be judged by a panel against criteria for innovation, impact and feasibility. Existing customers and Curatr partners are welcome to apply.
More details are available at http://www.curatr3.com/funding and Curatr will be on stand #125 at Learning Technologies 2015 for visitors to ask questions ahead of the closing date, Feb 6th.