GP Strategies Releases New Edition of Leading Out Loud Companion Leadership Program
Global performance improvement solutions provider GP Strategies Corporation (NYSE: GPX) is pleased to announce the publication of the third edition of Leading Out Loud by thought leader and business partner, Terry Pearce, and the accompanying Leadership Development Program updated by GP Strategies’ BlessingWhite division.
Originally published in 1995, Leading Out Loud was prescient of the challenges executives would face in a networked, socially empowered world in which all leaders operate under the microscope. In this new and revised edition, Pearce explains how the events of recent years, including the information revolution, worldwide focus on terrorism, and the revelation of corporate scandals, have significantly increased the importance of leadership communication to build loyalty in organizations.
In close collaboration with Pearce, BlessingWhite created a leadership development experience that provides leaders with principles and a framework (a Personal Leadership Communication Guide) and the skills to help leaders inspire others to willingly take action to effect change. Pearce examines the distinctions of leadership communication and the role it plays in helping leaders drive results while also building an inspired, purposeful culture.
Thousands of leaders from world-class organizations have benefited from Pearce’s teachings thanks to the book and the companion leadership program. Now, with over two decades of experience teaching the program and a new third edition, Pearce and BlessingWhite have revisited the leadership experience and the accompanying best practices to remain absolutely current with today’s leadership communication challenges.
Chris Brunone, Head of the Leadership Practice for GP Strategies’ BlessingWhite division, stated, “Leaders are an organization’s most powerful tool in driving positive change. The impact that Terry’s work has had on helping leaders engage others in creating the future has been one of the most practical and fulfilling aspects of our work. Terry has truly challenged all of us to bring more of who we are to our work. He demands that the reader or the participant in the program develop a clear sense of purpose of what he or she is here to do.”
To learn more about the Leading Out Loud companion leadership program, visit: http://www.blessingwhite.com/lol.
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effectiveness of organizations by delivering innovative and superior training,
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