2018 Fosway 9-Grids™ for Digital Learning and Learning Systems
Fosway Group, Europe’s #1 HR and learning analyst, today unveils its updated 2018 Fosway 9-Grids™ for Learning Systems and Digital Learning. Now in their sixth annual research cycle, the Fosway 9-Grids™ provide the only independent view of the HR and learning technology markets in Europe.
The aim of the Fosway 9-Grids™ is to demystify the supply options available to organisations, helping learning professionals make informed decisions around their solution needs. They uniquely calibrate data across five key areas: Performance, Potential, Market Presence, Total Cost of Ownership and Future Trajectories across the market.
“Our research shows that the digital learning market continues to be buoyant, with an increasingly diverse range of solutions available. Customer expectations have also changed as L&D departments look for greater impact and learner experience” said David Wilson, CEO of Fosway Group. “Going forwards, L&D needs to be digitally-led rather than digitally supported. This has major implications for supplier choice as well as how different supply options fit together to create a coherent digital learning ecosystem.”
He continues, “Next Gen Learning Environments (NGLEs) continue to disrupt the Learning Systems market with growing adoption rates. But whilst video, microlearning and user generated content are all increasingly popular, buyers should beware just trying to jump on the latest bandwagons. The Fosway 9-Grids™ are proving to be a vital resource for organisations making the right decisions about their future innovation and technology choices.”
Each Fosway 9-Grid™ is accompanied by an analyst report, outlining some of the broader trends and context in each market. To download your free reports for both Learning Systems and Digital Learning including market commentaries and solution trends, visit the Fosway website.
Due to the different pace of innovation and nature of the market developments in authoring systems, the Fosway 9-Grid™ for Authoring Systems remains under review, and plans for future updates will be confirmed later this year.
The Fosway 9-Grids™ will be available in the Fosway Analyst Lounge at Learning Technologies France 23rd-24th January and in London on 31st January and 1st February.
For organisations seeking greater detail of the data behind the Fosway 9-Grids™ or looking for a ‘Critical Friend’ for independent advice and feedback around learning and HR innovation, the newly launched Fosway Corporate Connect service is now helping individuals, teams and enterprises to accelerate and de-risk their strategies and decision-making. Details of this new programme can be found online.