Elearnity lifts the lid on Rapid e-learning
Elearnity, Europe’s leading Corporate Learning Analyst, today announced a comprehensive programme of research and white papers into Rapid e-learning, one of the most significant e-learning trends of recent years.
With its focus on producing e-learning content in days or weeks rather than months, Rapid e-learning is a highly attractive proposition for corporate e-learning teams. It’s having a real impact on corporate e-learning and the e-learning suppliers.
But Rapid e-learning also prompts many questions. How rapid is rapid? What are the different strategies for developing rapid capability in an organisation? Which are the best tools? How effective is rapid content versus traditional e-learning content, and many more.
Based on its research into Rapid e-learning in leading corporates, Elearnity has produced a suite of free ‘Insight Papers’ to set out much needed structure to the Rapid e-learning debate; a debate that has historically been dominated by a focus on tools and the “good enough” nature of the content produced. The papers provide a high level analysis into what makes “Rapid e-learning” truly rapid and provides the models that put it into a clearer perspective.
“The purpose of the research papers is to help corporates develop their thinking about Rapid e-learning; to inform and broaden their view”, said David Perring, Principal Analyst at Elearnity.
The papers cover three initial perspectives:
• Core Insights into Rapid e-learning
• Managing Rapid e-learning
• The Strategic Impact of Rapid e-learning
The Core Insights paper looks at what Rapid e-learning is, reflects on the tools, suitable projects and the issues. Managing Rapid explores Rapid e-learning management styles, processes, team organisation, the “rapid “project life cycle, and the critical success factors. And the Strategic Impact paper highlights the longer term market and corporate implications of Rapid e-learning as a whole. Elearnity have also created an Executive Viewpoint that provides a high level summary of Rapid e-learning for senior managers.
The Core Insights paper and Executive Viewpoint are available immediately for download from Elearnity’s Knowledge Centre at www.elearnity.com. The other two papers will be released at the beginning of June.
In addition to the papers, Elearnity also announced a collaborative research project looking at the deeper realities, questions and effectiveness of Rapid e-learning in major corporates. “There is a myth about Rapid e-learning tools” said David Perring, “if you look at things objectively it’s the processes and intent that make Rapid e-learning truly rapid. It’s time to lift the lid on Rapid e-learning. Leading corporates are using a wide range of ‘Rapid’ approaches and tools, but there has been no analysis of what really works best in different contexts. There is a massive blind spot in the comparative effectiveness of materials, production models and implementation techniques.”
Starting in late June/early July, Elearnity’s collaborative research on Rapid e-learning will bring together a group of corporate e-learning organisations to explore these issues in much greater depth, and to develop and critically review accepted best practice on Rapid e-learning. The project includes independent profiling of participant organisations' opportunities, experiences and challenges; a series of group workshops; expert research and analysis of corporate best practice; critical analysis of vendor solutions and strategies; and accelerated concepts and frameworks. Organisations who would like to participate in this exciting project are invited to contact Elearnity through [email protected] or on +44 (0)20 7917 1870. The research outline and all the ‘Insights’ papers and are freely available from www.elearnity.com.
Core Insights Paper: http://www.elearnity.com/EKCLoad.htm?load=ByKey/DWIN7ETHHB
Executive ViewPoint: http://www.elearnity.com/EKCLoad.htm?load=ByKey/DWIN7ESM75
Research Project: http://www.elearnity.com/EKCLoad.htm?load=ByKey/DWIN7F3NT9