eLearnity highlights corporate best practice in Leadership & Management Development
eLearnity, Europe's leading independent e-learning market analyst and consultancy today announced a new report investigating best practice in Leadership and Management Development in corporate Europe. Based on background research and interviews with a range of large corporations, business schools and management training providers, the report analyses the current market and the gap between what organisations want to do and what is really happening.
The report focuses on real experiences of those who are currently managing senior development programmes, including a number of candid case studies from organisations such as Arcadia, Heineken, Peugeot, BMW and the UK government. It also highlights lessons learned, and recommendations from those who have recently changed their approach to management development. There is a special section on Leadership training and its effectiveness, and reviews of a selection of Leadership e-learning products.
"Our corporate research shows that leadership development is a key learning and development issue for many large organisations," said David Wilson, eLearnity's Managing Director. "We see many companies evaluating the effectiveness of their current approach, and reviewing how to extend the reach and depth of corporate leadership programmes. We wanted to understand the key opportunities and issues from a range of perspectives - customer and provider, and review the effectiveness and potential for use of e-learning."
The report seeks to answer key questions such as: Why don't managers want to learn? Is e-learning effective for managers? What works with supervisors? What do Directors need? Is coaching the only solution? Are gurus value for money? What are the top 3 subjects managers feel they need for development? Can managers learn in 10-minute chunks?
"Reviewing corporate best practice in this way has highlighted some important issues", said Sue Honore, eLearnity's Research Manager and author of the report, "Leadership emerged as the most common focus area by a long way, with strategy, change, performance and project management all coming a fairly equal second."
The report also challenges some commonly held myths about whether e-learning can be used for leadership and management development. "E-learning is starting to become a reality but it is mainly being driven by on-line content, and from the bottom up," said Honore. "We expect to see greater growth in the acceptance of e-learning as a key part of the blended learning approach for many management development programmes. This shouldn't be viewed as being about e-content. Other electronic tools such as virtual classrooms and on-line learning communities represent significant opportunities to enhance the overall learning process on-line".
Note for Editors
The "Leadership and Management Development - Europe 2002" report is available from 4th November 2002 and costs £249 plus VAT. There is a special offer price of £199 plus VAT for orders before 30th November 2002. For more information see http://www.elearnity.com/leadership or contact David Wilson on +44 (0)20 7917 1870.