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Connect 2023 Preview

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Tom McDowall shares what's in store at Connect 2023, London 17 November.

Tom McDowall, Chair, The Learning Network
Tom McDowall, Chair, The Learning Network 

Learning Network Connect is back this November, with fresh thinking and debate on the hottest workplace learning topics. How might we harness AI and extended reality and how can L&D help to lead the sustainability agenda.

Michelle Parry-Slater and Steve Wheeler are the keynotes. There are panels on how we can utilise artificial intelligence, the value in extended reality, fostering talent and skills and accessibility. Plus sessions on adaptive learning, tech deployments and more. The event's panels and sessions cover the human aspects L&D, the heart of what it does, as well as on learning technology.

Tom McDowall, Chair of The Learning Network, joins Learning News to share what's in store.

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