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AI in HR tomorrow: “AI is coming to HR”

Learning NewsNews features

David Perring is back for our final report from Fosway's HR research on the future of AI in HR. How will HR processes and operations change?

Almost all of HR is expecting to increase their use of AI
Almost all of HR is expecting to increase their use of AI 

Almost all of HR plan to expand their adoption of AI in HR, it is only a very small minority - 5% of HR leaders - who have no plans for AI in their HR processes. 

AI is coming to HR and with a host of knock-on effects across the employee experience and HR operations. But how will HR processes and operations change? 

David Perring is back for our final report from Fosway's HR research and today we're looking at the future of AI in HR. We look at how HR teams might be affected, jobs and automation and the HR processes that will see the most impact.

Programme links
HR Realities Research

Series links
HR Realities - part 1: Performance and profitability almost topple skills as top challenge
HR Realities - part 2: Budgets and Investment 
HR Realities - part 3: Half to change HR tech inside three years
HR Realities - part 4: Employee experience gets thumbs down
HR Realities - part 5: AI in HR, today
HR Realities - part 6: AI in HR, tomorrow