EssentialSkillz launch new Anti Bribery and Corruption E-Learning Course
With the new UK Bribery Act coming into force July 1st, the new course is aimed at educating employees on how it affects them and how it impacts on current working practices.
One of the main areas of interest to organisations is the creation under the UK Bribery Act of the new strict liability criminal corporate offence of failing to prevent bribery by a person associated with it, including employees, agents, and intermediaries. In order to establish a defence to charges under the Act, organisations must be able to demonstrate they had adequate anti-bribery procedures in place. Adequate bribery procedures should address the key six principles stated in the recent guidance issued by the U.K. Ministry of Defence. These principles are:
1. Proportionality – procedures should be 'proportionate' to the nature, scale and complexity of an organisation's activities
2. Top-level commitment – senior management and the board should oversee policies and implementation
3. Risk assessment – organisations should review and monitor the bribery risks they face
4. Due diligence – organisations liable for an act of bribery committed on their behalf whether they had knowledge or not companies should conduct due diligence on all to ensure bribery is prevented
5. Communication and training – Anti-bribery policies and procedures should be communicated to all
6. Monitor and review – Organisations should show that they regularly monitor and review the adequacy of policies and adapt as required
EssentialSkillz are launching the new course at the Safety and Health Expo at the NEC in Birmingham from the 17th to the 19th May on stand Q54. Managing Director, Julian Roberts, commented, "There is a lot of confusion in businesses at the moment about what is and what is not acceptable under the new law. We have made a clear and concise E-Learning course which ensures that businesses and their employees understand what the law means and how this affects their working practices."
EssentialSkillz are providing a free trial of their course to any business that feels it could benefit from this training.