The CPD Certification Service approves Engage in Learning’s Leadership Pathway
The Leadership Pathway, a programme of five e-learning courses from the e-learning supplier Engage in Learning, has won approval from The CPD Certification Service.
The courses, each of which takes between 20 and 40 minutes to complete – amounting to completing the whole Pathway in some two and a half hours – focus on building a solid foundation for leadership.
Chris Horseman, Engage in Learning’s Managing Director, explained, “The leap from team member to team leader is probably the most exciting and demanding time in anyone’s business career. It requires new skills and knowledge, insight and commitment to make the transition successfully.
“Our Leadership Pathway introduces learners to leadership styles and management approaches that are effective in today’s working environment,” he continued.
“It helps learners assess their leadership qualities, strengths and weaknesses. It also shows how teams work, interact and grow so that learners can manage their team from co-existence to collaboration; from inception to high performance.”
The Pathway includes 26 ‘deep dive’ pages that provide academic reference and more in-depth information; three video case studies that provide opportunities to analyse, identify and evaluate skills in action, as well as an optional classroom pack to extend and individualise the learning.
The Engage in Learning courses that comprise the Leadership Pathway are:
- Leadership Styles and Qualities - outlines leadership styles for you, as leader, to find one that works for your team and the situation.
- Growing your Team to High Performance - explains how teams develop in a predictable way and how you, as leader, can use this to help your team achieve high performance.
- Developing Team Trust and Culture – shows how to build trusting relationships between your team members and between yourself, as leader, and your team.
- Setting Goals and Guidelines for High Performance – offers guidance on developing a robust set of ground rules and operating agreements on which to build a strong team culture, as well as how to set goals that inspire teams for high performance.
- Improving Group Dynamics – focuses on improving your team’s dynamics by developing your communication skills, team collaboration, and managing individuals’ behaviours within a team setting.
In approving these courses, the CPD Certification Service assessor described them as “informative courses with clear navigation”.
For further details of the Leadership Pathway, visit: https://www.engageinlearning.com/course/leadership-pathway/
Other ‘Pathways’ from Engage in Learning include those on Coaching, Influencing, Performance Management and Decision Making.
About the CPD Certification Service
Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the independent CPD accreditation centre working across all sectors, disciplines and further learning applications. It evaluates further learning activities to the highest standards and its CPD Certified symbol is accepted as the qualitative benchmark that not only reflects but also sets those standards.