Engage in Learning tackles ‘thorny’ HR issues at Learning Technologies
‘Thorny’ HR issues, such as bias and bullying, can be tackled effectively using e-learning materials according to Chris Horseman, CEO of the e-learning supplier, Engage in Learning.
He will be explaining how and why this is the case in a seminar for visitors to this year’s Learning Technologies exhibition – being held, on 13th and 14th February, for the first time at ExCel, in London’s Docklands. The seminar takes place In Theatre Nine on the floor of the exhibition, from 11am to 11.30am on 13th February.
Engage in Learning has experience of this because, in the last year, it published two programmes on unconscious bias. It also has one programme on harassment and bullying. Each of these programmes is delivered via the medium of e-learning.
“These programmes – set within our ‘Compliance’ portfolio of e-learning materials - continue to prove popular with clients and customers,” said Kate Carter, Engage in Learning’s Operations and Marketing Manager. “All of our programmes can be instantly translated into any one of 100 or so languages; learners can instantly see how much of the programme they've done; they receive summaries to help them choose their own learning path, and an optional e-book provides memory aids as well as helps learners plan and use new concepts and skills in the workplace.”
As a result of customer demand, Engage in Learning has augmented its programme on unconscious bias - intended for managers by publishing a new course on ‘bias’ but which is focused on helping all levels of staff to identify unconscious bias and take steps to overcome it.
Chris Horseman commented, “Unconscious – or conscious - bias can become a problem if results in treating others hurtfully or without respect. Whenever and wherever they occur, harassment and bullying lead to such things as resentment, and result – at best – in lost productivity.
“In various ways, over recent months, there’s been increasing media interest in cases of bias, harassment and/or bullying. These can have seriously adverse effects on an organisation’s brand and market standing,” he added.
“Organisations’ stakeholders and, especially, their staff need to realise that they’re the ‘face’ of the brand – and their attitudes and actions represent their organisation on a personal and daily basis. They need to prevent damage to that brand – and, at a basic but important level, this can be achieved through using e-learning materials.
“Our clients are telling us how delighted they are to be able to use these e-learning materials not just for initial learning purposes but also as on-going performance support tools, providing useful aid memoirs to help avoid potentially difficult and damaging situations,” Horseman revealed.
“I’ll be revealing more about this during my presentation at Learning Technologies – from 11am on 13th February in Theatre Nine.”
Engage in Learning is also among the 200 or so exhibitors at this year’s Learning Technologies conference and exhibition. Its stand at the event – number H05 – will have details of Engage in Learning’s over 100 separate e-learning programmes, covering compliance, health & safety, leadership & management, IT & project management, customer service and business skills topics.
For further details about Engage in Learning’s impressively popular portfolio of e-learning materials, visit: https://www.engageinlearning.com/