Engage in Learning blog says what to look for in an e-learning supplier
A recent post on the Engage in Learning Blog offers advice – in the shape of ten criteria – on what buyers should be looking for in an e-learning supplier.
Written by the internationally-known online learning technologies writer and commentator, Bob Little, this new blog post published by the UK-based e-learning producer and supplier says that any e-learning supplier should offer:
1. Up-to-date, relevant, ‘expert’ learning content that meets your organisation’s – and learners’ - needs.
2. E-learning materials that are editable (by you and/ or the supplier)
3. The same content in various languages, to cater, in these multi-cultural times, for organisations that employ culturally diverse workforces.
4. Materials that cater for a variety of delivery mechanisms – including the use of ‘older technology’ to deliver the learning.
5. Usability - that is, ready-to-use materials, requiring no ‘special’ set-up time or enabling software.
6. Materials that are accessible by all (catering for people of all physical and mental abilities), via a variety of delivery mechanisms.
7. Materials that are interactive and engaging and can also adapt to learners’ different learning preferences.
8. A learning management system (LMS) and/or learning content management system (LCMS) to manage the learning content – not least making the learning content available on a ‘24/7’ basis to all learners - as well as monitor and measure its access by learners.
9. Appropriate, relevant materials that are of sufficient quality for your purposes.
10. Regular contact and after-sales care and support – to ensure that the supplied e-learning materials continue to meet your organisation’s and its learners’ needs; to sort out any technical issues, and to develop/ refine the e-learning materials as required.
Bob comments in the blog post - available at https://blog.engageinlearning.com/blog/ten-criteria-for-choosing-the-right-e-learning-supplier- that, “While there are other valid criteria on which to base your decision over e-learning supplier, one criterion that isn’t on this list is price.
“Learning should be about the most effective and efficient way to give people new knowledge and skills. It’s far more important to ensure that the e-learning materials you buy are of appropriate quality and are fit-for-purpose rather than to find the cheapest ones on the market so they’ll have a smaller impact on your budget.”
Kate Carter, Engage in Learning’s Operations and Marketing Manager, said, “Bob’s ten criteria make interesting reading – and offer valuable advice to e-learning buyers. Naturally, I’m delighted that Engage in Learning meet all ten of Bob’s criteria.”
For further details about Engage in Learning’s growing portfolio of e-learning materials, visit: https://www.engageinlearning.com/
“Since Bob’s articles have been published on our blog, we’ve noticed that readership figures have risen sharply,” Kate added.
“His work – on the benefits of e-learning, quality and suitability issues in e-learning and, now, the criteria for finding a suitable e-learning supplier – is proving popular with visitors to our website. We look forward to publishing further articles by Bob over the coming months.”