Clarity Consultants to Present at mLearnCon
Clarity Consultants’ Senior Learning Advisor, Michelle Lentz, will be speaking about mobile learning design during several sessions at mLearnCon, June 19 to 21, 2012.
June 18, 2012, Campbell, Calif. Clarity Consultants’ Senior Learning Advisor, Michelle Lentz, will be speaking about mobile learning design during several sessions at mLearnCon, June 19 to 21, 2012. mLearnCon is a mobile learning conference and expo held at the Fairmont in San Jose, Calif.
Lentz, along with Brandon Carson, Director of Training for Bill.com and a member of the Clarity Consultants network, will present “Designing Content for Multiple Devices” at 9:45 a.m. on Thursday, June 21. The session will cover how instructional designers can adapt content for multiple platforms, such as smart phones, tablets and feature phones, considerations for developing a cross-platform strategy, and how to design mobile content that complements eLearning. Additionally, Lentz will speak at 11 a.m. on June 20 about “The Five Top Technical Trends in Mobile Learning,” and will participate in a panel discussing “Adapting Existing Content for Mobile” at 1 p.m. on June 19.
For more information about mLearnCon, visit www.elearningguild.com/mLearnCon.
About Michelle Lentz: Michelle Lentz has been in Learning and Development for more than 16 years. Previously the Director of Training at Trivantis, she also owned Write Technology for 10 years. Michelle has taught social media seminars across the country and specializes in the intersection between social media and instructional design. Michelle recently transplanted to San Francisco from the Midwest. She maintains several blogs, including an award-winning blog on wine, is over-connected in social media, and is a contributing technology writer for Brian Solis's Bub.blicio.us social economy blog.
About Brandon Carson: Brandon Carson is an award-winning instructional designer who for the past 15 years has been designing face-to-face, print, computer-based, and Web-based instruction and training for global audiences. As an instructional designer, he has delivered and led numerous presentations, workshops, seminars, and tutorials on a wide variety of instructional design and training-related issues. Brandon created the Mobile Design and Development curriculum for Yahoo!’s engineering organization. In his distant past, he was a book builder/designer and letterpress printer.