Brightwave and The Student Room team up to host Brighton Digital Festival open studio event
Brightwave and The Student Room team up to show how a next generation individual loves to learn/collaborate/share experiences online - and that this is no different for students than for today's workforce.
Brightwave and The Student Room team up to show how a next generation individual loves to learn/collaborate/share experiences online - and that this is no different for students than for today's workforce.
Taking place during the 2014 Creative, Digital & IT Open Studios week (organised by Wired Sussex and forming part of the Brighton Digital Festival) Brightwave and The Student Room present 'How to build and sustain an online community'.
Taking place on Thursday, 25th September 2014 at Brightwave's office in central Brighton, Brightwave's CEO, Charles Gould, is joined by The Student Room's CEO, Jason Geall, to confirm the DNA of a next generation individual, explore what an effective online community looks like and examine the barriers to sustaining an online community.
Charles Gould, CEO at Brightwave said:
"Brightwave's internal online community was launched earlier this year and provides a platform for staff to find, share and discuss their learning across a range of subjects and functional areas relevant to life and work at Brightwave; it is becoming invaluable to the team and the organisation. We are thrilled to be presenting this event with The Student Room and look forward to sharing our experiences with other digital companies and individuals in the city."
Jason Geall, CEO at The Student Room said:
"This event is really exciting. Not only do we get to deliver our expertise alongside Brightwave on what an effective online community looks like, but we have the opportunity to share our recent research into what the future university applicant wants and what student life and their community will look like in 2024…"
More information
Date: Thursday, 25th September 2014
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Location: Brightwave office (International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE)
To book: Places at the event are limited, so booking is required at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-to-build-and-sustain-an-online-community-tickets-12616136203
For more information about the Brighton Digital Festival visit: http://www.brightondigitalfestival.co.uk/