New benchmark: compare and improve how to use learning technologies to drive better relationships with customers
Brightwave has partnered with Towards Maturity to launch a benchmark designed to dig deeper into how learning technologies can support customer strategies.
The benchmark will gather the views and experiences of L&D professionals and people responsible for customer strategies, to explore how technology can help deliver results in this critical business area. The results of the survey, which will be released as a report in May 2012, will uncover what top performing organisations are doing to achieve real improvements in the customer experience.
The benchmark is available at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BWcustomerstrategy
Why get involved?
A well-implemented customer strategy is critical for commercial success and brand health. 10 million of us have stopped doing business with a company in the last six months due to a poor customer experience.* Against this backdrop, it's not surprising that competitive organisations have a robust plan to drive better relationships with customers.
* Ken Blanchard Companies Industry Report 2012
The use and impact of technology in supporting customer strategy implementation is increasing year on year. Laura Overton, MD for Towards Maturity reports:
"Our Annual Benchmark last year highlighted that 77% of organisations employing learning technologies for product knowledge, brand awareness and customer service are reporting an increase in customer satisfaction. As a great example of how learning technology can boost business agility, this vital area deserves closer examination."
Charles Gould, MD at Brightwave, says
"We work with a number of forward-thinking organisations which have
successfully embedded technology-enabled learning to, ultimately,
provide a better service and experience for the customer. With
customer loyalty and brand health high on the agenda, there is a
significant opportunity for L&D departments to support and
demonstrate value to the business."
This new speedy benchmark targets how learning, and specifically the use of technology, is being used by organisations to build stronger relationships with customers and equip employees with the skills to progress this key area.
When will the results be available?
The deadline for completing the survey is 13th April 2012 and the final report is due out in May.
More information is available from Cheryl Clemons on 01273 827676 or by e-mail cheryl.clemons@brightwave.co.uk.