Tune into Brightwave's New LiveTime Learning Channel
Brightwave launches LiveTime Learning - live, bite-sized online training programmes to help meet new 'Time to Train' legislation
Brightwave launches LiveTime Learning - live, bite-sized online training programmes to help meet new 'Time to Train' legislation
Today, Brightwave, the e-learning development company of the year, launches its new LiveTime Learning service. LiveTime Learning is an interactive learning channel delivering a full programme of live, webinar-based, 20 minute business training sessions. The live online service enables time-constrained employees to fit training into their schedule on specific subjects. It helps businesses meet the new 'Time to Train' legislation by providing cost-effective training for all staff.
The Time to Train legislation came into force on 6 April 2010 and requires employers with over 250 employees (initially) to respond to requests for time off for training. The 11 million affected UK workers can now demand an explanation if their employer turns down a training request - this law will extend to all employers next April (2011).
LiveTime Learning is an outsourced option to meet this new legislation, by delivering a diverse range of staff training via a live training channel. Broadcast three times a day, the 20 minute live sessions are interactive with participants sharing views, solving problems and answering polls. Recordings of each session also enables individuals to access the training on-demand 24 hours a day. All they need is a computer with internet access and headphones.
An annual subscription offers unlimited access to a range of flexible training and provides significant cost-savings to the organisation. More than 100 initial live training programmes (see notes to editors) cover key subjects under 'management and leadership' and 'communication and interpersonal' skills. Most are stand-alone desk-based live sessions, making it easy to 'tune in' with the option of extending the learning by progressing through a series of programmes.
Matt Turner lead trainer at Brightwave's LiveTime Learning Channel says: "LiveTime Learning is a unique new way for businesses to meet the training needs of their people from a simple outsourced solution. Our live training programmes have been painstakingly developed to make the most of the little and often best practice learning theory.
"In a nutshell, LiveTime Learning helps businesses meet their Time to Train legal requirement cost-effectively. It helps managers support their teams with really useful training that doesn't take too much time out of the day. And it helps the employee with subject-specific, expert-led training that fits around their busy schedule."
Charles Gould, MD at Brightwave adds: "LiveTime Learning is the latest addition to our range of ready-to-use learning and performance services from Brightwave's sister company, Brightwave Enterprises. It meets a direct market need for time and cost effective training, taking advantage of the latest online collaborative technologies. We're excited to be the first subscription-based service to offer this type of bite-sized live training."
Other services available from Brightwave Enterprises include the Local Government E-Learning Service, helping councils collaborate to avoid duplication and drive down costs and the fully managed Legal Risk E-Learning Service aimed at non-legal in-house staff.
To find out more about LiveTime Learning, contact [email protected] or go to www.brightwave.co.uk/livetime-learning. Subscription rates vary according to company size and will be supplied on application, new clients will also be offered an introductory one month's free subscription.
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Notes to editors
About Brightwave (www.brightwave.co.uk)
Brightwave is the UK's leading provider of highly engaging work-based e-learning that delivers results and helps change behaviour. Brightwave works in partnership with complex global clients to help people learn, perform and transform. The company provides a complete e-learning service, from content development to innovative tools, hosting and management, performance support and evaluation. Its sister company, Brightwave Enterprises, was launched in November 2009 to focus on developing and supporting new 'ready-to-use' learning and performance services.
Clients include BT, Bupa, DHL Logistics, EDF Energy, IKEA, ScottishPower, Sky, Swiss Re, T-Mobile, TUI, The Royal Bank of Scotland, Virgin Atlantic Airways, as well as public sector organisations such as the Healthcare Commission, City of Edinburgh Council, Glasgow City Council, Renfrewshire Council and Office for the Deputy Prime Minister.
To see the schedule of programmes go to: http://www.brightwave.co.uk/livetime-learning