Making Waves at the MoD
Ministry of Defence latest beneficiary of BrightWave's collaborative development tool: WavePool
Brightwave is attracting a fast-growing range of clients who use WavePool to participate in the production of high quality e-Learning content. The Defence Logistics Organisation (DLO) of the MoD is the latest high-level beneficiary of fast-growing BrightWave's collaborative development tool. Working within the ASI consortium, PriceWaterhouseCoopers' Transform team has used WavePool to develop a 3-hour web-based training programme to provide around 5,000 DLO staff with an awareness of new accounting principles and processes. As the subject experts, PwC Transform training consultants were in the ideal position to develop the training content. However, the principal subject experts on the project had limited prior experience of e-Learning development. The WavePool process allowed them to work closely with BrightWave to come up with an overall design within the technical constraints imposed by the MOD. They were then able to author the content themselves with no programming skills required.
"This is further vindication of our unique approach," says BrightWave Managing Director, Charles Gould. "Our clients can use the flexibility of our design and technology expertise to get the best results from their own knowledge of the subject."
Neil Ashton, the Transform Project Manager, says "With BrightWave's production expertise and their WavePool authoring tool, we were able to put together a really effective programme that has successfully met all the goals of the DLO."