BrightWave's performance shines amid e-Learning casualties
Amid increasing frustration that on line training providers do not understand customers' real needs, the e-Learning industry has been showing signs of the shake out that many commentators had predicted.
The demise of Xebec McGraw-Hill, BlueU and John Bryce Training, and the 'tactical withdrawal' of DigitalThink are comment enough on the recent performance of e-Learning organisations in the United Kingdom.
While many e-Learning companies continue to show poor financial performances there is one beacon of success: BrightWave Ltd has shown continued profitability, since it began trading in October 2000. With revenues in excess of £1.5 million expected for this year, BrightWave is set to emerge as one of the key providers of bespoke e-Learning in this rapidly evolving market.
Commenting on performance in 2002, BrightWave's Managing Director, Charles Gould said: "Buyers of e-Learning are becoming more sophisticated and more discerning in dealing with suppliers and we welcome this challenge. We have seen a trend of clients wanting a much closer involvement in the e-Learning development process. A deliberate focus on learning design and collaborative development has meant that BrightWave has repeatedly hit the target in meeting its customers' needs".
This approach, together with a real understanding of how to develop good e-Learning, is what BrightWave's clients value. Sue Ward, Senior Adviser with Pfizer Research University said: 'BrightWave has the expertise and experience we are looking for in an e-Learning partner and I'm excited we are working together.'
BrightWave's Commercial Director, Simon Brown added, "It's inevitable that there will continue to be casualties. BrightWave has delivered a solid financial performance in difficult market conditions and is building genuine, long-term relationships with organisations like T-Mobile, ScottishPower and PricewaterhouseCoopers, which positions BrightWave favourably for the long run. These companies have recognised that, despite current low-confidence, e-Learning will play an increasingly important role in the way they tackle how their organisations' learn and perform in the future."
BrightWave believes in working closely with clients to produce a solution that meets their clear business objectives. In practice this often means clients working on site in BrightWave's offices, either throughout the project or at specific stages such as design and user acceptance testing. Clients working remotely use BrightWave's project management extranet. This is underpinned by the BrightWave production methodology that has been developed from our experiences with collaborative working.
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