Assima and NHS South Central host free seminar to highlight collaborataive eLearning Content Club
Content Club Event to be held Wednesday 26th September with case studies from NHS.
Assima UK is pleased to announce that, alongside the NHS South Central, they will be hosting a free seminar showcasing the eLearning Content Club, a collaboration of several NHS hospital trusts working together to increase access to locally relevant eLearning resources for their staff.
Gihan Waniga-Sekera, eLearning Programme Manager for the NHS South of England, will be at the event to share his experience with other NHS organisations in the UK.
The NHS Content Club event will be held at the Menzies Hotels Birmingham City - Strathallan on Wednesday September 26, 2012 from 10:30 am to 15:30 pm.
The agenda for the complimentary event will include a full introduction to the Content Club, the chance to meet other NHS organisations that are already benefiting from the club, a presentation from the eLearning Programme Manager from NHS South Central, examples of content that have been created, a presentation of the Atlantic Link authoring suite, and lunch.
The Content Club was born out of these NHS Trusts' need to pool all their hospitals' similar training requirements and discard disparate and independent training commission and materials. Collaboration and partnership allows the Trusts to make the best use of scarce skills and resources, while providing efficient training for their staff and improve productivity without impacting frontline patient care. The Content Club enables a collaboration of 24 NHS Trusts to work together to increase access to shared materials and resources.
Each of the member organisations have access to their own development folder within Assima's Atlantic Link's collaborative authoring platform which can be viewed, shared and adapted among them. Within twelve months, five modules had been developed using Assima Atlantic Link resulting in decreased duplication of eLearning content and increased sharing of expertise and skills across organisational boundaries. In just twelve months the Club has made savings of over £1 million, equating to employing 30 nurses for a whole year.
More details are available from Dave Pearce at [email protected] and registrations at http://bit.ly/NHSCC.