The X Factor - Information Transfer's unique talent for explaining the complex recognized through new client wins
United Biscuits and Magnox South may not have a lot in common; UB is one of the world's pre-eminent branded snack businesses, producing some of the best known and loved products, such as Penguin and Jaffa Cakes. Magnox South is the contractor currently responsible for decommissioning five nuclear sites on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. However, they do both have one thing in common: they have an ongoing need to ensure that employees understand their technical processes; and they have both recently commissioned Information Transfer to help them do that.
UB has asked Information Transfer to support the launch of elearning on the McVitie's site, to supplement training on technical and mandatory subjects such as HACCP (Hazard, Analysis and Critical Control Point). Magnox South has selected Information Transfer to develop bespoke elearning on the Magnox South Project Management Process, in order to develop their expertise in project management and decrease the long-term cost of training.
In the last few months Information Transfer has also won several new contracts in the pharmaceutical sector. One of the market leaders in the field of contraception and women's healthcare products has commissioned them to develop training manuals to bring important new treatments to market. With a long and successful track record in the pharmaceutical sector, Information Transfer has a reputation for developing engaging off- and online training support materials on complex subjects, giving sales teams a competitive edge.
Complex information need not baffle trainees if it is explained clearly, using the appropriate medium. Information Transfer has worked in most industry sectors doing just that, including pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, finance and utilities. Whether it be compliance training to minimise accidents on site or sales training materials to help reps sell new products, Information Transfer can get the message across.
Information Transfer will be appearing live at the training industry's own X Factor show:
Learning Technologies Exhibition in January. For more information about the show, please visit: www.learningtechnologies.co.uk
To see Information Transfer's Autumn Newsletter, please go to: http://informationtransfer.com/newsletter/