Information Transfer is giving away copies of a white paper "Making your e-learning garden grow" at HRD, on stand number 820
Information Transfer are award-winning experts in helping companies maximise the uptake of e-learning. For the last two years they have helped their clients win the Elearning Awards for 'Best elearning project securing widespread adoption'.
Visitors to the HRD exhibition at London ExCel (15th - 17th April) will be able to pick up Information Transfer's new white paper, "Making your e-learning garden grow". Packed with tips on how to ensure a flourishing online training programme, the white paper offers valuable guidelines on how to implement e-learning solutions that are embedded within the organisation and yield fantastic results.
Information Transfer will also be delivering a presentation in the Technology for Learning Zone:
Tuesday 15th April from 2pm - 2.45pm "E-learning to make the difference"
Make e-learning work for your business. Find out about practical techniques that will help you engage key stakeholders, create effective content and drive enthusiastic adoption.