Seminar 'review' earns high praise at WOLCE 2007
Seminar Author's latest feature caught the eye of many visitors at the World of Learning Conference and Exhibition (WOLCE) last week at the NEC, Birmingham.
The new "MySeminar Review" feature allows e-learning authors to post their draft module to a dedicated web platform and for internal reviewers or clients to then comment on the module using web-based "yellow stickies" applied to the fully-functional e-learning module or quiz.
After the comments are gathered, Seminar Author then "fetches" the comments and brings them down into the authoring tool for action.
WOLCE visitor comments like, "huge time saver" and "that will help immensely" were exactly what the Seminar Author team was hoping to hear.
"Smoothing out the e-learning review and sign-off process is one part of Seminar's focus on making life easier for people creating their own e-learning," said Matthew Borg, a partner at Information Transfer, the creators of Seminar Author.
The latest version of the e-learning authoring tool Seminar Author is available as a 30-day free trial from the Seminar web site http://www.seminar.co.uk.
Seminar Author is one of the world's longest established e-learning authoring and publishing tools. Designed for flexibility and ease of use, it is used by some of the world's largest pharmaceutical, financial, legal and manufacturing companies as well as many Government and public sector organisations and smaller businesses.