Information Transfer and Priory Group finalists for National Training Awards
The Priory Group has been selected as a National Training Award finalist for one of the training areas addressed in their multi-award winning corporate learning programme developed in partnership with Information Transfer.
The Clinical Risk Assessment (CRA) training meets a critical business need by providing a foundation in Priory’s internal risk assessment procedures for its 2,300 staff at 24 healthcare sites.
“The primary objective of this material is to enhance clinical risk assessment for the safety of service users, staff and the general public,” said Professor Kevin Gournay, CBE, Emeritus Professor at King's College, London. “As such it is a resource of which Priory can be justifiably proud.”
In the demanding and potentially dangerous environment of mental health care, poorly managed risk can have serious implications: suicide, self-harm, aggression and danger for other patients, staff or visitors. There may also be a public danger if patients abscond, fail to take prescribed medication or misuse substances.
The training has already demonstrated measurable benefits. External, independent auditors have noted improvements in the recording and documenting of clinical risk as well as enhanced clinical risk observation procedures. An internal telephone survey of managers indicated improved confidence in CRA among staff and more consistency in CRA procedures across units.
The training is a blend of a risk awareness-raising module delivered and assessed using e-learning, and practical on-the-job activities to help staff localise learning objectives within their working environment.
The regional awards ceremony will be held on October 11 at Copthorne Effingham Park. Exceptional regional winners who are worthy of recognition at the UK level will then be invited to the UK Gala Ceremony in London in December 2007 where their outstanding achievement will be recognised.