ODILO is a B2B2C company, which is positioned in a new category in the education market: Unlimited Learning Ecosystems.

ODILO allows any organization to create its own fully customized learning ecosystems, and offer its users unlimited access to the largest catalog of educational content in the world (4 million titles, learning items and experiences from over 6,300 of the best providers of books, magazines, courses, videos, audiobooks, interactive content, educational apps, etc.) and create all types of learning experiences without restrictions.

In addition, the #UnlimitedLearning allows both organizations and learners, through the use of artificial intelligence, to create unique learning paths and experiences.

Thanks to their unique Business Intelligent system, every organization can measure all possible ways of learning (in your free time, in the class, in your commute, in all possible formats, in all devices, independently or collaboratively with others, etc.) and by using evidence-based learning insights to constantly improve their learning programs.

Over 8,500 organizations from 52 countries including Governments in Europe, North America, Latin America, South East Asia, Australia and Africa, academic references like Beijing University and top companies like Vodafone, Nestle or Santander Bank have already created unlimited learning ecosystems, granting learning access to an aggregate base of +170 million learners. 

For more information visit https://www.odilo.us/