How to keep your workers engaged in a hybrid working environment
During the course of the pandemic, there was a lot of talk about remote working and how organisations and businesses can adapt. But as hybrid working comes to the fore, the work environment is shifting again. Now, one of the questions that is being asked now is: in this new hybrid working environment, how can organisations keep up employee engagement?
In order for hybrid working to truly succeed, your staff have to not only be empowered and motivated but also engaged to commit the time and effort necessary to produce the best work for your organisation.
Engagement has many factors, it is not only dependent on your environment but on people, the work you do, the organisation you work for and your personal motivation levels. How can we, as organisations, help to increase engagement levels?
There are six factors which we have identified that are needed to help keep hybrid workers engaged:
- Clear vision
- Goals and objectives
- Development opportunities
- Connect and collaborate
- Creativity
- Ongoing feedback
1. Clear vision
A critical aspect for any organisation to succeed is a clear vision. Knowing what and who you are and where you are headed provides the strategy upon which everyone in your organisation will work towards. The key elements of a clear vision are a mission statement, company ethos and a long-term and short-term strategy.
How will it help increase engagement?
Those working remotely in their hybrid roles can sometimes feel adrift, not having that office structure and a leadership team around every day. Setting a clear vision will remind those working remotely of the focus of the organisation and what they need to work towards achieving.
2. Goals and objectives
Goals and objectives are great for everyone, whether you are based at home or the office. Setting SMART goals help keep everyone on track; they are also great as a tool for managers to help keep on top of what is expected by people in the team.
How will it help increase engagement?
Setting objectives is more engaging as they are personal to each individual and their workload, taking into consideration the employee’s work goals and personal motivation.
3. Development opportunities
As an organisation, looking after your people should be a top priority. We can only expect the best out of our employees if we provide them with the same. When it comes to development opportunities be sure to keep channels of communication open both in the office and online; send them updates of internal vacancies, undertake a skills gap analysis and identify key areas for development.
How will it help increase engagement?
When providing the opportunity to develop, focusing on mental health and wellbeing initiatives and offering rewards and benefits are all highly engaging as you acknowledge the employee’s need for growth and development and care for their general wellness. Overall, these make them feel more appreciated.
4. Connect and collaborate
With so many forms of connective technology available these days, keeping in touch with remote workers is easily done. Not only that but collaboration tools are also plentiful so you can not only keep in touch but work on the same documents and projects no matter where your teams are located.
How will it help increase engagement?
Working at home can feel lonesome, but thanks to modern day technology and apps, such as Zoom, Skype and Microsoft Teams, you no longer have to feel isolated from each other. Being connected and being able to collaborate on work with other team members is engaging as the work you are doing can be shared and commented on
5. Creativity
Keeping your hybrid working employees engaged, particularly on the days they are working remotely, isn’t just about making sure the work is being done. It’s about getting them to be creative, thinking outside the box and challenging themselves to find solutions. A key part of engagement is making sure employees give their time and dedication but in a place that they feel safe. Providing the environment for them to explore and a safe space to try new things is vital to producing ground-breaking, innovative work
How will it help increase engagement?
If employees feel like they can try new things comfortably without the risk of failure, they will engage with the work more as they are open to new and different experiences. If we stifle creativity, employees become reluctant to push themselves creatively overtime, which is neither helpful to the company or themselves.
6. Ongoing feedback
Providing ongoing feedback to your hybrid workers is essential. Not only feedback but taking the time as an organisation to provide opportunities for them to improve, and making sure to highlight and reward wins. All of these help make the employee feel valued and an active part of the organisation.
How will it help increase engagement?
Providing feedback helps to build confidence and it engages employees to perform better. When good work is acknowledged this also has a positive and motivating effect for employees.
Looking for more ways to help your team adapt to a hybrid or remote working environment? Take a look at our training and resources.