Virtual College completes successful learning and development campaign
Over the last three months Virtual College has been running a thought-leader campaign called ‘Shaping the Future of L&D’. During this campaign, they partnered with 14 learning and development experts to address the future of L&D, and how it is changing in response to technological developments.
The aim of the campaign was to contribute to the industry debate about the changing L&D landscape. Taking the form of a series, the campaign shared weekly videos about a different topic in which thought-leaders shared practical tips and advice.
The topics covered were:
- The Changing of Job Roles within L&D
- The Digital Transformation of L&D
- Measuring the Business Impact of Learning
- Re-positioning L&D teams
The campaign had 14 contributors including:
- Kevin M. Yates – Fact Finder of Learning and Development
- Lori Niles-Hoffman – Senior Learning Transformation Strategist
- Edmund Monk – CEO at the Learning and Performance Institute
- Michelle Parry-Slater – Learning and Development Director at Kairos Modern Learning
- Krystyna Gadd - Founder of How to Accelerate Learning
- Plus, contributions from senior learning professionals within Virtual College
Just one example of a practical tip is from Krystyna “When organisations start collecting data it can be overwhelming. The first step to take is to trust your gut instinct to identify where to look first. Then start analysing the quantitative data and correlate your findings with the qualitative data to build a clear picture.”
The campaign reached a large, wide audience from many different communities and sectors. It ignited numerous conversations and debates on social media with L&D professionals discussing the business impact, as well as sharing their own insights and how they have carried out digital transformations.
There have also been over 16,000 views of the 13 videos across social media, and the posts have been receiving a high engagement with over 1200 total engagements (likes, comments and shares across social media posts), indicating that the campaign was addressing important topics.
‘We are thrilled at how successful the campaign has been and are grateful to all the contributors for sharing their top tips,’ says Simon Falconer, Chief Marketing Officer at Virtual College. ‘We look forward to using these insights and tips to help other organisations prepare for a changing L&D landscape.’
To read the insights and conversations and the view the videos, search #VCTheFutureofLandD in LinkedIn or visit Virtual College’s website at www.virtual-college.co.uk/resources/Future-of-Learning-and-Development.
Such was the success that there will shortly be an extension to this campaign; a Future of L&D series two. L&D professionals can sign up for updates including downloadable resources and live debates. Shaping the future of L&D: newsletter sign up.