Virtual College announces first in series of ‘Safeguarding Futures Forums’
Virtual College is to host the first in a new series of knowledge-sharing events of particular value to safeguarding professionals and others working with vulnerable children or adults.
Entitled ‘Safeguarding Futures Forum’, the first of the events will be themed ‘Working together to tackle domestic abuse’. Including presentations from guest speakers with specific safeguarding expertise and experience, the events provide an opportunity to network with fellow professionals and discuss new solutions.
Virtual College’s Safeguarding Manager, Naomi Hepworth, explained:” We have a very close relationship with our colleagues in the safeguarding field. Some of these contacts go back over a decade and lie at the heart of what we do to support safeguarding professionals.
“Over the years we have hosted regular Advisory Panel Meetings which have provided a valued opportunity for those working within the sector to network and share best practice in safeguarding.
“Each of these new events will build upon these solid foundations and focus on a specific theme.”
The first of these free events will take place on Wednesday 19th July at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Leeds.
Guest speaker, Paul Hill will share his thoughts about his work with West Yorkshire Police on driving forward the Domestic Abuse Whole System Change Project.
Paul has over 30 years’ experience within the safeguarding sector and was manager of the Bradford Safeguarding Children Board for 10 years.
Kevin Johnson, from Northamptonshire SCB will lead a best practice sharing session on streamlining multi agency training priorities and successful e-learning roll out.
Kevin commented: "The Safeguarding Futures Forums are a great way to catch up with other training colleagues from across the country, get up to date information on all Virtual College courses including the scheduled updates and new courses available.
“The guest speakers always provide thought provoking knowledge and expertise on a range of topics which I have been able to take back for use in our own training.
“I’ve never been to a disappointing meeting."
Starting at 9.45 am, lunch and refreshments will be provided by Virtual College.
All training and development professionals in the safeguarding sector are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis so those interested in registering or finding out more about this event are recommended to email [email protected] as soon as possible.