Virtual College’s online radicalisation awareness course in Home Office’s Prevent Training Catalogue
To provide thorough guidance, Virtual College has created an online course – ‘Understanding pathways to extremism and the Prevent programme. This course is now highlighted in the Home Office’s Prevent Training catalogue.
The catalogue contains details of Prevent related training courses that may assist individuals covered by the requirements of the Prevent Duty, contained in Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015. 1All specified authorities subject to the Duty will need to ensure they provide appropriate training for staff involved in the implementation of the Duty.
To provide thorough guidance, Virtual College has created an online course – ‘Understanding pathways to extremism and the Prevent programme.’
The course gives learners an awareness of the radicalisation process and a clear understanding of Prevent duty responsibilities.
The course sensitively handles this difficult subject and has been developed by Virtual College, the UK’s leading supplier of online safeguarding training, in partnership with subject matter experts and safeguarding boards.
This online training is an effective way of reaching large numbers of staff quickly and efficiently with minimum disruption to services.
The engaging and immersive material Incorporates video, audio and reflective practice to deliver an effective learning experience. Case studies and real world scenarios help professionals understand how they can apply this knowledge to everyday life.
Questioning techniques are used to test understanding and learning managers can quickly and easily report on take up and completion.
The online course ensures learners will:
- Understand what extremism and radicalisation are and why it is important to discuss and address these
- Have knowledge of the Prevent strand of the government’s CONTEST strategy
- Better understand what makes people vulnerable to radicalisation
- Know how to recognise the indicators that radicalisation might be taking place and have a clear understanding of their responsibilities.
To see a short video overview and find out more about the course: http://bit.ly/1XL1Qmb
1 The Prevent Duty Guidance makes it clear that frontline staff who engage with the public should:
- understand what radicalisation means and why people may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism as a consequence of it.
- be aware of what we mean by the term “extremism” and the relationship between extremism and terrorism.
- know what measures are available to prevent people from becoming drawn into terrorism and how to challenge the extremist ideology that can be associated with it.
- understand how to obtain support for people who may be being exploited by radicalising influences.