Virtual College launches new, updated ‘Safe Use of Insulin’ course
Virtual College has relaunched its ‘Safe Use of Insulin’ course after it was re-designed by its award winning design team. The course has been especially built to ensure that staff are only spending time completing training directly relevant to their job.
Over 170,000 learners have now taken this online course so, when Virtual College was looking at how it could make improvements, it made sense to seek the advice and guidance of these experienced users.
They said that although they appreciated that safe use of insulin training was vital and mandatory, their time was at a premium. They only needed to know what was appropriate to their job role and could not afford to spend their valuable time going through content which was irrelevant to them.
Some courses currently on the market force learners to go through a generic programme intended to cover a broad range of topics for a wide range of jobs. This was considered to waste learners’ valuable time ploughing through information of no use to them.
Virtual College’s new ‘Safe Use of Insulin’ course is now available and, importantly, it allows learners to focus on just those elements which are important to them whether this is ‘prescribe’, ‘prepare’ and/or ‘administer’.
A learner from Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust commented: “It contains very important information and I found it easy to relate to my day to day activities on the ward when dealing with diabetic patients”.
Tablet and iPad accessible, the new course has been created with no compromise on quality by subject experts who understand the full requirements of this mandatory training intimately. The course meets the needs of the NPSA alert, provides simple and easy tracking and reporting.