Virtual College hosts independent LMS advice webinar featuring e-learning consultant David Patterson
Delivered by learning and development expert and e-learning consultant, David Patterson, this webinar is ideal for anyone who is looking to buy their first LMS or considering switching to a new provider.
With 42% of people unhappy with their current learning management system* (LMS), and 100s of different LMSs on the market, choosing the right LMS is more important than ever.
Virtual College is hosting a webinar which will cover the essential points in making sure people choose the right LMS for their organisation.
David Patterson will provide attendees with an overview of:
- How to choose an LMS that is most appropriate for an organisation’s needs
- How to explore and define the benefits the right LMS can bring to an organisation
- How to continuously measure the value LMS's brings to organisations (in terms of ROI and impact on the business, learners and learning and development function)
The webinar is being held tomorrow, Dec 7, from 11am to 12pm. Registation is available at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/525013882585327108
David Patterson is an influential and valued consultant in the world of e-learning and learning technologies. He is a director of the highly acclaimed e-learning consultancy organisation Learning Light, one of the UK’s leading experts in the world of online learning. With an MSC in Information Systems and multiple acclamation for research papers he co-wrote, David is widely seen as a leading expert when it comes to e-learning.
*source Virtual College LMS survey Nov 2016.