Virtual College ‘how to protect children online’ webinar - safeguarding expert, Jim Gamble
In this powerful webinar for safeguarding professionals, ‘Kill the e-safety policy… how to protect children online’, safeguarding expert Jim Gamble will openly discuss the challenges of child protection in a world ruled by technology.
Jim is the founding head and former chief executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). With 30 years’ experience of child protection, safeguarding and risk management, he is a frequent media commentator and highly regarded public speaker.
He will argue that, if we truly wish to protect children, a simple e-safety policy is no longer sufficient.
Jim Gamble is a world renowned child protection expert and will explain how this is done by providing practitioners with the knowledge they need to make the right choices.In a time where the likes of Whisper, Kik and Snapchat are only a tap away, safeguarding strategies need to be developed in the context of how children use technology.
Over 2000 people have already registered for the webinar in the first week of its announcement. Registration for this free webinar, being held on Thursday 17th November at 11am, is available online: Kill the e-safety policy… how to protect children online.
Virtual College is celebrating the 10 year anniversary of its Safeguarding Children e-Academy. During this time, it has delivered over 1 million courses in aimed at protecting children throughout the country.