The Children’s Society is recognised for its contribution to safeguarding
The Children’s Society has been recognised by online learning provider, Virtual College, for its contribution to safeguarding children.
Throughout the length and breadth of England, hundreds of Children’s Society staff are involved in issues concerning children and young people every day, so the task of ensuring they receive appropriate training is challenging.
The Children’s Society provides online training from Virtual College to a wide range of staff from those working directly with children and young people to head office staff and those employed in its retail outlets, on courses including ‘An Introduction to Safeguarding Children’, ‘Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect’ and ‘Data Protection’.
Since The Children’s Society first started working with the Virtual College’s Safeguarding e-Academy in January of this year, over 2,000 courses have been allocated to learners and over 1,700 have already been completed.
2016 is a significant year for Virtual College as it represents the 10th anniversary of the Safeguarding e-Academy. Over the last 10 years it has delivered over 1 million safeguarding courses to help protect children.
Receiving Virtual College’s ‘special recognition for instant impact’ award, Nikki Clack, Head of Learning and Talent at The Children’s Society, commented: “This is a tremendous accolade and we have made major progress in reaching out to a large number of people who come into contact with children and young people and safeguarding issues but we need to keep reminding ourselves that safeguarding children and young people is everyone’s responsibility.”