Virtual College’s Digital Marketplace presence benefits its public sector customers
Virtual College is a registered Digital Marketplace provider via the latest release of the G-Cloud, making it easier for the public sector to purchase its online learning solutions.
Virtual College has a long and successful history of working closely with public sector customers including the Home Office, the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA), the Housing Ombudsman Service and over 50 Local Safeguarding Children Boards.
Virtual College’s presence on the Digital Marketplace covers a wide range of digital services including its well-established Learning Management System, Enable.
The Digital Marketplace has been created by the government to provide a simpler way for the public sector to find, compare and purchase the digital services they require.
The aim of the Digital Marketplace is to make the purchasing process easy and efficient by listing all approved providers on the G-Cloud framework and eliminating the need to go through a lengthy tender process.
All suppliers have successfully been through the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) process meaning customers do not need to wait for a price to come back or for any additional bespoke details to be collated.
Hannah Brindle, Divisional Director of Virtual College, commented: “Our public sector customers recognise that choosing the most suitable digital services is often fundamental to the successful operation of their organisation.
“Virtual College is pleased be an active participant in the Digital Marketplace which makes procurement quicker and easier.”