Virtual College’s Lean Healthcare Academy to sponsor Quality Improvement Healthcare Conference
The Lean Healthcare Academy is sponsoring the Quality Improvement Collaborative Healthcare Conference 2013 on Saturday 16 November at the Thackray Medical Museum, Leeds.
The Quality Improvement Collaborative (QuIC) brings together students and junior professionals from all healthcare disciplines and unites them under the common goal of improving quality.
The day is designed to bring healthcare specialists together to explore on-going quality improvement projects. Delegates will receive expert advice on how to start their own project. As well as interactive multi-disciplinary and group sessions, a number of speakers from a variety of healthcare backgrounds, who have wide ranging experience of quality improvement, will present at the event.
The conference will host an exhibition displaying best practice where those who have worked on improvement projects are invited to submit posters demonstrating their success. A ‘Poster Reception’ where delegates are given the opportunity to speak to the authors and network with like-minded professionals will also take place.
As well as sponsoring the conference, the Lean Healthcare Academy will be exhibiting Lean improvement principles at the event. The Academy will be launching their Winter Programme of Lean Events and sharing examples of facilitated improvement projects.
Sue Bradbury, Healthcare Manager of Virtual College, commented: “It is important for us to support the work of local improvement projects, not only to celebrate their successes, but also to learn how we can develop our products to meet the needs of the fast paced healthcare economy.
“This is reflected in the recent release of our Quality, Safety and Patient Experience MasterClass which a number of NHS trusts have already commissioned”.
For further information, please contact:
Craig Marshall, Virtual College:
T: 01943 885086 E: [email protected]