Virtual College provides access to vital information to prevent child abuse
Virtual College’s Safeguarding Children e-Academy has re-launched their website (www.safeguardingchildrenea.co.uk) dedicated to the protection and welfare of children. It is hoped that the access to vital information will help the prevention of child abuse seen in the cases of Hamzah Khan and Baby Peter.
The Safeguard Children e-Academy’s new website features a free resources section that contains innovative and interactive learning activities. The website aims to cater for a wide audience on the subject of child protection.
Awareness is the key to the prevention of the abuse and neglect of children such as Hamzah Khan or Baby Peter; two abuse cases that are still unpleasantly fresh in the minds of the general populace. It is vital to these and any future cases that external bodies are able to spot the abuse and neglect of children.
Liz Howarth the Safeguarding Team Manager at Virtual College had this to say: “Over the past year we’ve trained 55,000 members of the children’s workforce to safeguard the children in their care.”
We have donated £175,000 to children’s charities, the latest being a major project with Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation (Pace).
Virtual College has forty courses dedicated to children’s safeguarding with subjects such as ‘Awareness of Child Abuse’ to ‘Cultural Awareness in Safeguarding’.
Liz continued: “This new website will help those who care for children find the information they need to keep them safe”.
The new site offers a diverse range of free information. The ‘resources’ section of the website includes activities such as ‘Top Tips for Keeping your Sleeping Baby safe’ to an ‘infographic’ on the leading causes of accidental child death.
Alex Bateman, from Virtual College’s Marketing Department commented: “While it may not be the cheeriest subject to read up on, I am convinced that making people aware of the dangers posed to the children in their care is vital to the prevention of child abuse”.
Visit the new site at www.safeguardingchildrenea.co.uk