Virtual College Lean Healthcare Conference and Awards to be sponsored by North East Transformation System
Virtual College is pleased to announce The North East Transformation System (NETS), hosted by Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust will be one of the main sponsors of the annual Lean Healthcare Conference and Awards for the third year running.
NETS is a powerful model for organisational change and a continuous
quality improvement model that all NHS organisations in the North East
are encouraged to follow in the pursuit of ideal care for patients.
Iain Smith, Head of the North East Transformation System is passionate about the potential benefits Lean and NETS can offer the NHS. Smith stated “The shared Lean philosophies of NETS and The Lean Healthcare Academy make this event a fitting platform for NETS to promote their improvement philosophy to the wider NHS.” He added “We are looking forward to seeing more inspirational improvement projects and we are proud to be supporting an event that is such an important platform for organisations to share and learn.”
The Conference and Awards is now the national annual forum for sharing best practice and rewarding members from the healthcare sector for adopting and sustaining service improvement methodologies.
NETS is an approach that is built upon three components of vision, compact and method. It is a philosophy applied at all levels, including individual staff members, teams, organisations and systems. It puts the people and patients of the North East at the very centre of the system and balances the three components to deliver real change.
The Lean Healthcare Academy is passionate in its belief that the adoption of Lean principles is fundamental to achieving a sustainable continuous improvement process within the healthcare and associated sectors, which will in turn, lead to improved processes and better patient care.
Employment of such methodologies regularly delivers a reduction in all forms of process waste, improvements in safety and quality, shorter, simpler patient journeys and overall improved patient experience.
Both organisations are clear that method is a matter of choice. Some choose ‘six sigma’, some have clear partnerships to enable them to learn and other organizations choose the Virginia Mason Production System as their preferred methodology.
The Lean Healthcare Awards are open to any healthcare organisation who has improved their working practices and patient care, through the implementation of Lean principles, by whatever chosen method.
For more details about the awards call 01943 885086 or visit www.leanhealthcareacademy.co.uk
For more details about NETS visit http://www.nelean.nhs.uk/