Virtual College continues to buck the economic trend
As part of its expansion, Virtual College is delighted to announce the appointment of seven new members of staff to meet the ever increasing demand for its e-learning products.
These appointments bring the total number of Virtual College staff to over 80, a doubling of staff in the last 4 years.
Marketing Manager, Peter Hilliard reports that the pace of growth over the past 12 months is increasing. Peter says "Our courses are proving to be a valuable training resource for companies of all sizes. The system allows a record to be kept of course results, training needs and appraisals for each employee, and is a key tool for employers to get the very best from, what nowadays, is very often a reduced workforce."
"E-learning is an increasingly popular and proven route to traditional face-to-face training. Geographical restrictions are removed and learners can access their training at a pace, place and time to suit them, continues Peter.
"It took us 14 years to achieve our 250,000th e-learner landmark in August, 2009. We then passed the 500,000th milestone a matter of 18 months later and we should achieve 750,000th learner milestone within the next month, which clearly illustrates the rapid progress we have made."
The seven new starters cover a range of roles from Account Management and Administrative Support within the Safeguarding, Health & Social Care and Housing sectors as well as senior technical development.
- Hannah Davies joins Virtual College's Safeguarding
e-Academy as Trainee Account Manager
- Stuart Walton joins Virtual College as Lean Specialist
for Productive Series and reports directly to the Divisional
Director for both the Safeguarding and Healthcare e-Academies
- Jessica Marshall joins Virtual College as Projects
Support Executive within the Health and Social Care Team.
- Jamie Burns joins Virtual College as Senior
- Gwen Oates joins Virtual College as Member Support
Administrator within the organisation's Safeguarding
- Melissa Gallimore joins Virtual College as Account
Manager within the Safeguarding e-Academy
- Tom Kilvert joins Virtual College as Account Manager within the Housing e-Academy having spent some time in India working as an analyst and staff trainer for Tata.
Operations Director, Lesley Ord said: "Despite the continuing economic climate, we continue to thrive, as individuals, businesses and organisations across both the public and private sectors seek to access innovative, flexible and cost-effective training solutions. We are delighted to be able to enhance our workforce with these new appointments and thereby further strengthen the company's position within the marketplace."