Virtual College’s Housing e-Academy introduces initiatives to enhance Customer Service in the social housing sector
The provision of excellent customer service has never been more important within the social housing sector and Virtual College's Housing e-Academy, is holding a series of free networking events across the country to highlight the value of good customer service and how to comply with various regulatory guidelines. An accompanying online Customer Service course will be available shortly.
Elaine Roscoe from Muir Housing has already attended one of the networking events. She said: “The Customer Service seminar shows how excellent customer service and social housing can be a perfect match. The new technology available to the sector means it is easier than ever to ensure the customer service promise becomes a reality we can all deliver.”
The Bernicia Group list customer service as the first of its five core values. It has more than 8000 homes throughout the North East of England and has not only embraced new technology to improve customer service such as call recording and associated solutions – it is also pioneering the use of technology to improve the ‘softer’ customer service skills of frontline staff.
As a result, it is working in partnership with contact centre solutions provider Liquid Voice and Housing e-Academy to create an e-learning course which will help drive customer service excellence for frontline staff.
Debra Beattie, Head of Organisational Development at Bernicia said: “Good customer service underpins everything and is the single most important thing we do. In our experience, the role of frontline staff in delivering customer service excellence cannot be understated and we have used our own experience to influence the new e-learning course.”
The new e-learning training will provide an easy to use Internet based programme that guides frontline staff through various customer training issues.
Chloe Weatherhead, Head of Housing e-Academy said: “Channel 4’s Hotel GB highlighted the importance of customer service and the ICS (Institute of Customer Service) has recently concluded another successful national week showcasing its demonstrable benefits.
“The private sector has already realised that customer service is going to be one of the most important management functions for any business over the next few years. Put yourself at the forefront of excellence by attending an event or purchase the e-learning course for your staff.”
Discuss customer service and good practice at the next event planned for 15th November in Basingstoke. For more information on customer service events or e-learning call 01943 885085 or e-mail [email protected]