UpsideLMS v.8.1 now available on Self Set Up Trial Area
UpsideLMS' latest release, version 8.1, with mobile app readiness and enhanced Admin interface, can now be accessed through its Full Access, 14-day, Self Setup, Trial.
A full-featured, Cloud-based Learning Management System, UpsideLMS, has been growing rapidly in its client and user numbers as its version upgrades. In the last one year itself, this future-proofed LMS has had 4 product upgrades. The latest being version 8.1, which comes with a user-friendly and UX enhanced Admin side and app-readines for offline (no Internet) access, and can be accessed by setting up a 14-day trial.
As a part of empowering organizations to take correct investment decisions pertaining to their training and learning by screening the LMS end-to-end in line with their requirements, UpsideLMS had launched a Self Set Up Trial Area in Feb 2017. A year since, approx. 1000 trial links have been created and the trial area has always been a mirror to the product's actual active version. So when UpsideLMS recently released its 8.1 version, it was only natural that the trial area reflect the same.
The Trial Area is equipped with a hand-holding section called 'Help Wizard' that enables users to 'Add New Users', 'Add New Courses' under Curriculums (or choose from the pre-created ones), and 'Assign Curriculum to Users' in 3 simple steps. The pre-created curriculums (In UpsideLMS, a Curriculum is a set of multiple learning elements like eLearning courses, videos, reference materials, assessments, ILT sessions, assignments that can be assigned to user(s)) on topicslike 'Customer Satisfaction', 'Information Security', 'Health & Safety', 'Learning Management System' not only help the Trial Link user to get started with the system immediately, but they also demonstrate how different learning elements appear across devices.
A special app-ready mobile curriculum called 'mLearning without Internet', demonstrates the offline (no Internet) USP of the 8.1 version. Individuals interested in accessing this curriculum on their mobile devices through the UpsideLMS iOS/ Android app can get in touch with the UpsideLMS team for the client key and other login details.
Setting up the Trial Area is extremely simple with the user having to enter a 'domain name' of his/ her choice, a password and name. The Area can be personalized by uploading a logo of one's choice, selecting a theme from the ready-to-use theme library or customizing further by choosing from UpsideLMS' wide color palette, fonts and layouts.
UpsideLMS 14-day, Full Access Trial is available via the website: UpsideLMS Trial.