A Guide to Measuring the Business Impact of Learning and Development
New eBook: The Learning Gauge; Upside Learning, a leading provider of end-to-end learning solutions, has launched a new guide to help L&D professionals get ahead with the learning measurement agenda.
Most learning initiatives’ focus unfortunately dims when it comes to measuring the learning impact and its transition into the business. This questions the organizations’ investment in Learning and Development and its core objective. An HBR article has even called it ‘The Great Training Robbery’.
With the growing competition amidst dynamic markets and unstable economies, and constantly evolving technologies, continuous learning is truly the foundation to sustainably grow businesses. Leader are realizing this and looking for their L&D team to deliver on the promise. This has brought the focus on the need for learning measurement like never before. However, research suggest, most L&D folks struggle to effectively measure learning outcomes and business impact.
The Learning Gauge offers you a lens to the key challenges of learning measurement and the resolutions. It discusses some of the famous learning theories and learning evaluation models followed by the industry, their limitations and challenges, and relevant case studies & examples. This guide will enable you plan towards finding a learning measurement strategy at your organizations.
Amit Garg – Founder & CEO, Upside Learning says “At Upside Learning, our focus is on ensuring every training intervention makes a business impact. This guide is to support that continuous endeavour for our clients and partners and the L&D community at large. I’m hopeful our community will find it useful”
Download the Guide here.